Everything You Need to Know About Selling in Late 2022

There are A LOT of headlines about the housing market right now. Some of them make it seem like the sky is falling, the bubble is bursting, and the crash is coming... but what's really the truth? Well, it depends on your specific market and, in a lot of ways, your specific home.

The reality is that the market in the late summer and second half of 2022 is different than it has been over the last year and a half. There are several reasons, including higher interest rates, greater economic uncertainty, and shifts in supply and demand.

The keys to navigating the new market dynamics are to find an experienced professional with a lot of hyper-local knowledge about current conditions and to act strategically.

Step one is to PRICE strategically. Price is the immediate differentiator for buyers - it's how many buyers filter their searches, so if you're not priced correctly for the current market, buyers might not even see your property when it's listed.

It's also important to PRESENT strategically. Once a buyer knows your property is listed, you want to make sure that it attracts serious consideration whether the first glance is online or in person. Good maintenance and proper staging are essential to attracting buyers... and offers.

Watch this video for all the details on what you need to know if you're selling you home in 2022, and let me know if you have questions about selling a home in Sarasota or elsewhere. I'd be honored to help you here or connect you with resources in your home market.

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