Worldwide Rankings include Tampa in Top 30

According to a worldwide quality of life index published for mid-2023, Tampa is the TOP-RANKING city in America and the 27th worldwide for a blend of considerations such as purchasing power, safety, traffic, cost of living and more.
The Numbeo Quality of Life Index ranks cities across the globe according to their measurable outcomes on affordability, environmental quality, safety, health, and additional metrics that contribute to the attainable lifestyle in each place. According to the mid-year rankings for 2023, The Hague in the Netherlands is the top spot worldwide, with European and Scandinavian cities holding the top 24 spots. Tampa is the TOP city in the United States, ranked 27th globally and just ahead of #28 Orlando.
Both Tampa and Orlando are cited for high purchasing power and a relatively low cost of living, as well as very favorable climate and low traffic metrics that make living in these locations convenient and enjoyable throughout the year.

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